How Easy Can It Be Nascar Going in Circles

Let it be said, Nascar is a rather confidential motor sport in Europe, only relayed by certain cable channels which are not necessarily easy to find. However, this does not prevent the series NASCAR Heat to reach us each year via a new iteration. A license that we know little about, of course.

Two years ago we were talking to you about NASCAR Heat 3, an episode that blew a breath of fresh air on the series which, until then, was struggling to take off. Top gameplay, honest content and nice design, the title had great arguments to make. After missing the boat in 2019, let's come back today to the opus of 2020: NASCAR Heat 5.

Available on July 10 on our PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, this new iteration was very little illustrated by us before its release. Thus, like each of its predecessors, its release in Europe went completely unnoticed. Was it a good or a bad thing? Let's try to answer this question in a few lines.

Test conditions: We played a dozen hours of the title in its Xbox One version, mainly in the career mode. We also tested the multiplayer several times, especially in split screen.

A confidential exit

Nascar heat 5

Say that NASCAR Heat 5 was expected in our region would be a pure and simple lie. The motorsport he represents has very little visibility in Europe, which is probably due to his very concept. It must be said that cars turning in circles on a circuit for several hours is not a seller. And unfortunately, the discretion of this discipline in France forces it to content itself with cable channels and commentators lacking liveliness, not always highlighting the strategic aspect of the races. Enough to complete any fan of large displacements falling at 2am on the retransmission of an event.

Thus, like each of its predecessors, NASCAR Heat 5 was primarily intended for the American market. The birthplace of oval and country tracks. This explains many of the limitations inherent in the license. Starting with a lack of translation from the language of Shakespeare, which does not interfere too much in the race, despite the comments of the team which can help to get out of trouble. However, it's much more problematic when you look at the career mode, which hasn't skimped on additions since NASCAR Heat 3the last episode we had our hands on.

In effect, this career mode is surprisingly complete, allowing us to start modeling our avatar as we wish. The customization possibilities are also quite extensive. Thereafter, after having launched ourselves into the competition and being noticed, it will be a question of returning to various stables, of vaguely managing our social networks, but also and above all of signing contracts. These are not to be taken lightly, since according to the established agreement it will be good to finish more or less close to the head of the race to be remunerated appropriately.

Good ideas that give a real impression of involvement in our career, although it is progressing quite slowly. But of course, it will be necessary to have a relatively good level of English to be able to take advantage of all the specificities of this single player mode. We will nevertheless regret a few absentees, in particular the management of our team. Finally we are not in a DiRT Rally, and it shows. Moreover, it is quite annoying to note that the title forces us to start on the XTREM DIRT scene, in other words the circuits on earth. A real step back from the episode two years ago.

The other big limitation will seem obvious to you if you take a look at the screenshots scattered on this article: it isa dated graphic appearance. At this level, the teams at 704 Games nevertheless do an honest job with the limited means granted to them. So it is true that the modeling of the pilots is quite disappointing, that the outside of the tracks is often runny or even ugly; this does not prevent the title from benefiting once again from pretty vehicles, but above all from a very pleasant impression of speed. There remain the unfortunately very austere interfaces, which make coffee, but without frills.

Limited but well-used resources

Nascar heat 5

The history of video games, mainly since the advent of 3D, has taught us that it is possible to do great things with limited means. And it is certain that talented developers like Grasshoper Manufacture from Suda51 will not deny this fact, with their big cardboard No More Heroes, and many more besides. So that didn't stop the episode from two years ago from being a nice surprise, and the same goes for NASCAR Heat 5. The title indeed has some big advantages.

Although provided with an austere aesthetic, its career mode offers, as we told you above, a welcome impression of involvement. But above all, it allows you to have fun without necessarily seeking maximum performance. It is in this that its contract system adapts to your level and your objectives. Thus, it is quite possible to aim for only twentieth place out of 24 participants for example, and still earn enough money in a few races to change teams.

Besides, don't expect to finish in the lead in your first races, since this new episode proves to be demanding in several respects. To begin with, the AI ​​will not give you any gifts, since it will target performance. Note also that this one is not the smartest, but that is generally not a problem as long as you do not decide to play the bumper car. Finally, the career is designed for a slow and painful progression, making you start with the most complex of tests.

And by complex, understand that riding on dirt and mud is again quite difficult, obviously. Especially with the various adjustments in driving that this episode has undergone. The vehicles being very powerful, it is logical to see them skid quickly, or even go into a spin. Which catches up fairly quickly on tarmac, as long as the competition doesn't rush us into it, but which can prove instantly fatal on a dirt track.

Thus, the races may be short, most often at least, yet they will require concentration at all times. And that's a very good thing, besides NASCAR Heat 3 which was sorely lacking in challenge. Note also that you can touch many parameters in the personalization of your driving.

Finally this new episode is a nugget in terms of its content. Once again the American competition is very well represented, as much at the level of the drivers and the teams as of the vehicles. Same observation on the side of the circuits which are rather numerous, and are not limited only to simplistic ovals. The career mode is, in essence, unlimited, since it allows you to play over several years.

But it is above all at the level of its additional content that the software surprises, with around twenty rather complex challenges, a championship mode that can be configured as we wish, a fairly classic online mode, but also split-screen mode very appreciable. There remains an effective soundtrack, both in terms of successful engine noises and the many available tracks, generally rocks.


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